Meet the Verge

We love God and we love people. Every Wednesday we go after God together in radical worship. Pastor Daniel and co. preach out of the Bible. We're on a quest to be more like Jesus and bring his gospel to the world.

On a Mission

In 2018 we're going back to Puebla, Mexico! Last year, we served the people of this town and pastors in Puebla paid forward our gifts to Oxaca, an area affected by a major earthquake. We're also committed to our local community here in Gloucester and the schools.

Keyword: All

Ever heard the saying, "It's not all fun and games"? Well, it isn't, but we definitely have a lot of fun and games. Verge is an open community that strives for unity in our love for Jesus. So in other words we have a lot of fun together, and new students are welcome to join. Ask a leader about our next outing if you don't hear about it in service.